
Thursday, February 14, 2008

Whats in a name?

I have been back and forth to work on the boat all of last week and most of this week working feverishly on schoolwork and sleeping as much as possible in between. All the while we have been trying to think of a name. The parents are stressing out over it more that me but I must admit that I have criticized more than added to the list of name choices until now. I wouldn't exactly say that I believe in fate but sometimes I do think things come to you for a reason.

This evening Mike and I were doing homework in the apartment when we heard a noise in the kitchen. We had heard the noise before in the night and in the morning had found some insulation picked out of the ceiling inside the cabinet above the stove and curiously, Mike had found three nice nuts (yes nuts, like off a tree) carefully deposited in a box of corn starch. The box was otherwise undisturbed and I swore Mike was pulling my leg. He assured me that he was as surprised as me so we figured we had a squirrel that found its way under the roof of the building. Well tonight he made his appearance.

We were alerted by the noise and crept to the kitchen with my camera, turned the lights on and pulled the cabinet doors open as fast as we could. We met the visitor face to face like a deer in headlights and we scared the crap out of him. He promptly hid behind a bag of corn meal. When we pulled back the bag, there he was...a little squirrel. But no ordinary squirrel, this was a FLYING SQUIRREL. (A Southern Flying Squirrel we found out). Almost immediately after he had worked up enough courage to jet back into the ceiling Mike said, "Alan, thats what you could name the boat, Flying Squirrel". I thought about it for a second and I kind of liked it. Maybe it doesn't make much sense as a boat name but I think its my top pick for just that reason. Here is a video that Mike got upon meeting our visitor. Pretty cute little feller.

Anyway, out of curiosity, what name is deserving of our boat. At the top of the list so far is "Dawn Patrol" (named after my mom), "Aurora" (dawn in latin, also named after my mom), "Flying Squirrel" (brought to us by a furry visitor), "Dragonfly" (works because it is a Cat Ketch), and "Course Hound" (suggested by friend Trey as a play on core sound and buoy racing). What do you think? (I'm partial to Flying Squirrel)