He said that they had sailed until midnight-ish and then dropped anchor for the short night. They fixed up a hot meal and got about 4 hours of rest from the relentless winds. The tide is coming in now which will help them in the treacherous Florida Bay; high tide is supposed to be at 14:00 today. The winds are still out of the ESE and should be shifting towards the West some in the next 24 hours. They aren't sure where Jarhead is, but they would love to catch up to them to make it a photo finish.
Only 30 miles left, but still half the race to go!
Good luck on conquering Florida Bay. Here are the top 3 routes to get through Florida Bay. Both #'s 1 & 2 require navigation through channels that maybe 40 yards wide and that are marked with only wooden fence posts with small reflectors on them...you know the kind of stuff you can pick up a the local hardware store. To make things even worse these markers are not too frequent along the channel, so at night you have to take a light and shine it all around looking for the markers. Once you find the edge of a channel (you are a wizard if you never have this happen) you are stuck in some very unfriendly mud that will suck you in if you hop out to push on your boat. The best bet in this situation is the rock free of the mud flat while giving up your hard earned headway. And one more thing to top it all off, you have been sailing/paddling in 15-20 kts. for days on end and you are sleep deprived. Once again good luck!
In other news...
I'm not sure what to make of a recent dabiscit post, but it sounds like they are setting up camp again!? If it is true maybe SandyBottom and RiverJohn are going to paddle on. We'll see how that turns out.
Also in other EC2008 news some more videos have been loaded to the internets. You can check them out here and here. There is one from Lugnut & Root, a couple from Chief, and a couple from the start. Enjoy!