I expect posts on this blog to come more infrequently (I know they already do) with the summer approaching and EYE gaining momentum so I'll just recap and announce.

Firstly, I graduated. Finally. It took long enough but just in time for life changing events. and new things. Everyone asks me what I'm going to do now and I love seeing their faces when I say, "Oh well actually i'm going sailing around the world". I still don't think I fully grasp what that is but people sure seem impressed. Currently upon returning the plan is to continue studying all things boating specifically wooden boats. I would like a degree in naval architecture eventually but mostly just want to work on and sail boats. I know I already have one trip around the world on my plate but I also would like to sail around the world in a boat that I built. I think that is just something I need to do.

There is already a ton of post Tybee blab out there so I won't add mine in depth but I will say that this years Tybee 500 was a great one and with more boats than I've ever seen at the race. Trey and I gave our best showing ever in the race and were really happy with the results. No major breakdowns or injuries on the entire team velocity team (all 7 boats of it) so what more can you ask for. Thanks to Wizard and CrazyRussian who greatfully lent their epirbs to the team velocity cause.
Just days after Tybee it was back to work on the William T. Piquette. Our 40 foot Rhodes Reliant sailboat. Adam and I drove up to work on the boat last Wed. and did just that through most of memorial day. It was a very sucessful session and the boat is getting closer and closer to float day.Be sure to see the Eye of the World website for the very latest news and and details from last week.

We are adding features to the website every day and beginning to really structure the educational program. Eye will be participating in many upcoming events in the next few months which will be announced on the website so come out and hang out with eye crew. Also, don't forget to donate if you can. $25 bucks gets you a really nice T-shirt!
So what about now? I'm getting ready to head off to Virginia for the summer. I'll be working at the Bayport boy scout reservation with the CHASE (Chesapeake Bay High Adventure Sailing Experience) program up there teaching boy scouts how to sail larger boats (30-35' range) for 7 weeks. Fellow EYE crewmemeber Adam Domanski worked for this program for a couple of years and he tipped me off to it. When thats over, it's off to Hawaii for a couple of weeks to see family and then back to VA to really get eye of the world out the door.