Team B&B arrived in Key Largo at 8:00 pm Thursday March 8th.
Winds for the crossing from CP3 to Key Largo have been relentlessly out of the east which tends to empty Florida Bay.
The water was too thin, due to all that strong east wind that's been emptying the bay, and the head winds made it difficult to stay in the narrow channel. On the verge of getting stuck in the mud, they abandoned that route by drifting backward into a deeper channel that took them westward. Thus they were able to head west to pick up the other southbound route that begins at red marker "2" (about 3 miles south of East Cape). They sailed at 6-10 kts SE and reached the Long Key / Fiesta Key area at about 2:00pm.
By 3:30pm the "Mosquito" was passing Lower Matecumbe Key on its way up the ICW. At that point they had about 23nm to go and seemed to be moving at about 7.0 kts.