Friday, December 22, 2006

Some real progress

The team and vehicles are relocated for now in Charlotte, NC and we have set up camp in the warehouse attached to Hubert Whitlock Builders, a local contractor owned by Chris and Matt's family. The large heated space is ideal and much progress has been made. Here we are on Wednesday after unloading the trailer exited to get some real work done. Read on!

The view from above in the new workspace showing our side panels laid out for labeling as we prepare to make that scarf joints and join the side panel pieces together. It was a big help to be able to spread everything out on the floor and organize all of our parts.

The finished scarf joints ready for joining. The scarf joint making jig worked flawlessly after the 5th or 6th try on some scrap plywood getting everything lined up juuuuust right. The joint was made with thickend epoxy and compressed with weights.

At the end of day one we have half of the scarf joints laid up and curing and our four ama sections laid up on the far left one on top of the other. The ama pieces were joined with butt joints and sandwiched between a layer of 4 inch wide strip of 8oz fiberglass cut on the bias top and bottom. We were a little short on heavy things so everything in the room turned into a weight to help compress the joints. All in all, a good first day.